Year 6 Archive


Monday Spellings English BREAK Times Tables Maths LUNCH Reading Music Physical Activity
Tuesday Spellings English BREAK Times Tables Maths LUNCH Reading Science French
Wednesday Spellings English BREAK Times Tables Maths LUNCH Reading History PSHE
Thursday Spellings English BREAK Times Tables Maths LUNCH Reading RE Physical Activity
Friday Spellings English BREAK Times Tables Maths LUNCH Reading Art Physical Activity

Sample Timetable.  (You may wish to change the order within the day.)  These are just ideas of activities you can do.  Everyone is different so please do not worry if you cannot complete all the activities.  Also, if you are unable to print work out please just answer the questions in your workbooks.


WC 13.7.20

Hello everybody! Thank you for sending me examples of your work through Tapestry – it has been wonderful to see what you have been doing. As a special treat, after all our hard work and your last week in Year 6, the curriculum has been suspended. So there is going to be a slightly different timetable involving some fun activities for you to enjoy. The following list is a series of suggestions of what you could do throughout the week. You can do them in any order you wish or maybe you have your own ideas. (Twinkl has several ideas for all of these areas.)

A Year 6 Zoom Meeting is going to take place on Thursday at 9:30am so we can all see each other again before the end of the year. You might want to send your class mates a message, tell us what you have been up to during Lockdown or wish them good luck. We look forward to seeing you! (Details to follow on Tapestry.)

At some point, we will have a picnic lunch outside – weather permitting!!


Monday 13.7.20

Transition Activities

Make a list of the items you need to take with you every day.

Draw a map of the route to your new school.

Visit your Secondary School’s website – some have created a ‘tour’ of the school.

Make a series of Top Ten lists: Top Ten Favourite Sports/Songs/Games etc.

Game of “Would you rather …?”   Would You Rather


Tuesday 14.7.20

Art Day: Flowers/Georgia O’Keefe

Based around the art of Georgia O’Keefe:

There are many examples of her work on line.

Use the Photo pack to draw flowers in her style.  Georgia OKeeffe Perspective Activity Sheet


Georgia OKeeffe Drawing Activity

Choose one and create a collage.

Find out about the life of Georgia O’Keefe.


Wednesday 15.7.20

Sports Day – fun with different sports, exercises and sports related activities.

Y6 children who are in school should come in their PE kits – prepare for the weather!

Sports: running (long distance/sprint/shuttle runs), quoit discus, egg and spoon, bats/balls (number of consecutive times ball is kept in the air with the bat), hula hooping, etc.

Record your starting result and try to improve this to a personal best.

Design a new sport

Design a set of medals – Gold, Silver and Bronze


Thursday 16.7.20

DVD/Film Day

9:30 Zoom Meeting for Year 6 children (Details will follow through tapestry and will include the relevant codes.)

Prepare some snacks and get ready for film day!

Choose one or two of your favourite U-rated DVDs/films.

Write the plot of each story in just five sentences or in 150 words.

Write a film review.

Draw the main characters.

Design a new costume for one of the main characters.

If you could add a twist to the story what would it be?


Friday 17.7.20

Fun Day – Non-Uniform Day (Hoodies may be worn if you wish!)

Children will be able to collect some of their books from Reception today.

Play board games or card games e.g., Monopoly/Scrabble/Snap/Patience (7 or 8 card)

Develop a new board or card game.

Word Puzzles – e.g., word ladders, crosswords,

Number Puzzles – e.g., crossnumbers, Sudoku

Mindfulness Colouring

Listen to some of your favourite music.



WC – 6.7.20

I cannot believe that there are only two weeks left – Well done to those children who are already achieving 72/72 in the Beat That! (+ – x ÷) questions!!!  Keep up with your reading at home – read a variety of fiction and non-fiction.


Monday 6.7.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and write spellings in your spelling book in alphabetical order.  LCWC 20 6.7.20 M

English: Comprehension – Palaeontology. Linked to our science curriculum, this comprehension looks at the contribution of this branch of science to our understanding of fossils.  Palaeontology Text    Palaeontology Questions   Palaeontology A

Times Tables:  Mad Minutes 6 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths: HPT Arithmetic Paper 15a

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

Music: Follow BBC Bitesize and/or

Physical Activity:  See various health and fitness activities on line e.g.,

Option 1:

Option 2:

Explore some of the other links in the website list.

Parents can visit Oldham Sports Development at @volsportoldham  ( for updates.

Facebook –

YouTube –

Twitter –

Option 3: ‘Dance Videos with Mrs K’. Go to ‘School Life’ on the school website and you will find the link in there.


Tuesday 7.7.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and complete spelling sentences.  LCWC 20 7.7.20 T

English: This week we are going to write a report about the Olympic Games – ancient and modern. You have had some information from last week’s comprehensions so a bit of a head start. I have included some ideas for research and these could form the basis for our writing later in the week. Remember – you are only making notes today.  The Olympic Games Ancient And Modern

Times Tables:  Mad Minutes 7 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths: How to form algebraic expressions. We are starting off in a simple way to begin to create our own formulae to solve problems. A useful PowerPoint can be found on Twinkl to help with the understanding of this topic.  Forming Equations    Forming Equations A

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

Science: Evidence for Evolution in Humans – Today we are going to look at the evidence for evolution in humans. When people first raised the theory of evolution in humans, it was found to be very controversial as many people were very religious and believed in various creation theories based on religious texts and ideas. We are going to compare modern humans with known ancestors in terms of physical appearance and skeletons. This area of science still has new discoveries being made and there are still competing ideas as to how human evolution occurred and the different stages of evolution.  Human Ancestors Activity

(Twinkl has a PowerPoint related to the Evidence for Evolution which may be helpful. Espresso has a section about Evolution and Inheritance.)

French: Quel temps fait-il? Remember to practise pronunciation – Espresso Talking Dictionary is a useful tool. Les Vetements Et Le Temps


Wednesday 8.7.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and complete activity on page 2.  LCWC 20 8.7.20 W

English: The Olympic Games – Ancient and Modern. Using your research from Tuesday, draft the introduction, why athletics was important in ancient Greece and the Panhellenic Games. Remember – this is an informative piece and should be written in a formal style. You will still need to think about your topic-specific vocabulary, use of different sentence structures and opportunities to use appropriate punctuation.

Times Tables: Mad Minutes 8 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths: Find what the letter represents in these equations. An example to remember is that 3b = 3 x b, 5a = 5 x a etc. Have a go at trying to write your own formulae in the second section.  Equations 1

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

History: How have the ancient Greeks influenced our buildings? (Espresso has a short video introducing the influence of the ancient Greeks on our architecture.)

Using the following photographs of different buildings which have been introduced around the world, identify some of the decorative features e.g., column, capitals etc. What are the three main types of Greek columns found? Draw an example of each of them. Greek influences are found on a lot of Georgian and Victorian architecture – what messages do you think the owners and builders were trying to give by using this style?

Greek Architecture

PSHE: How people are feeling about their move to secondary. Everyone will be experiencing different emotions about their move to the ‘Big School’. Jot down some questions you would like to ask. The main changes will be having different teachers in different rooms for different subjects at different times, so we are going to look at a sample timetable and think about what we need to bring to lessons.

Feelings About Transition   How Do People Feel Transition  How Secondary Is Different


Thursday 9.7.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and complete spelling sentences.  LCWC 20 9.7.20 Th

English: The Olympic Games – Ancient and Modern. Using your research from Tuesday, draft the section on the original Olympic Games, the variety of buildings and their uses and competitions and prizes. Remember – this is an informative piece and should be written in a formal style. You will still need to think about your topic-specific vocabulary, use of different sentence structures and opportunities to use appropriate punctuation.

Times Tables: Mad Minutes 9 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths: Substituting values into an equation to solve it. This is similar to what we did when we used formulae to solve problems related to area and volume. You will be given a value of one of the letters and you need to find the value of the other letter. Equations 2

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

R.E.: If God is everywhere, must we go to a place of worship?

‘It would be better to always hold worship in the open air, so we don’t need to build new holy buildings and can use the money for something else.’ This statement is worthy of discussion. One view point is stated above but another viewpoint would be that holy buildings are needed in the community.   Think about both sides of this debate. Which side would you support and why?  RE Debate


Physical Activity: See Monday


Friday 10.7.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and think about your common exceptions.  LCWC 20 10.7.20 F

English: The Olympic Games – Ancient and Modern. Using your research from Tuesday, complete the final paragraphs about the man who re-introduced the Games in modern times, competitions, prizes and benefits and the conclusion – similarities and differences. Remember – this is an informative piece and should be written in a formal style. You will still need to think about your topic-specific vocabulary, use of different sentence structures and opportunities to use appropriate punctuation. You will also need to re-read and edit your work.

Times Tables: Mad Minutes 10 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths:  We are continuing today with substituting values into an equation to solve it. This is similar to what we did when we used formulae to solve problems related to area and volume.  You will have a mixture of shapes and letters to begin with and some reasoning questions.


Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

Art: Maths in Nature – the Fibonacci Sequence. Use one of the following photographs from nature which follow the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21. etc.  Fibonacci In Nature

Physical Activity: See Monday

Golden Time


WC – 29.6.20

Hope you had a lovely weekend. For our new challenge in mental arithmetic, I have changed the Beat That! questions to + – x ÷. Good luck! Keep up with your reading at home – read a variety of fiction and non-fiction.


Monday 29.6.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and write spellings in your spelling book in alphabetical order.  LCWC 20 29.6.20 M

English: Theseus and the Minotaur – Playscript Scenes 3 and 4.

Using your planning from Thursday, write a play script for Theseus and the Minotaur.  To continue writing to a high standard, today we will concentrate on scenes 3 and 4.

Times Tables: Mad Minutes 1 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths:  HPT Arithmetic Paper 14b

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

Music: Follow BBC Bitesize and/or

Physical Activity:  See various health and fitness activities on line e.g.,

Option 1: Mrs K has included a dance video for Year 6 children to practise at home for the Leavers’ Video.

Option 2:

Option 3:

Explore some of the other links in the website list.

Parents can visit Oldham Sports Development at @volsportoldham  ( for updates.

Facebook –

YouTube –

Twitter –

Option 4: ‘Dance Videos with Mrs K’. Go to ‘School Life’ on the school website and you will find the link in there.


Tuesday 30.6.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and complete spelling sentences.  LCWC 20 30.6.20 T

English: Theseus and the Minotaur – Playscript Scenes 5 and 6.

Using your planning from Thursday, write a play script for Theseus and the Minotaur.  To continue writing to a high standard, today we will concentrate on scenes 5 and 6.

Times Tables: Mad Minutes 2 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths: Number Sequences – As a build up to algebra, we are going to look at some number sequences and try to work out the rule as well as continuing the sequences.  Number Sequences 1

Number Sequences A

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

Science: Evidence for Evolution – Today we are going to look at the process of fossilisation. We are going to think about how Darwin’s views on the evidence fossil records could provide for the theory of evolution and how there may be some advantages and disadvantages when observing fossil records. (Twinkl has a PowerPoint related to the Evidence for Evolution which may be helpful. Espresso has a section about Evolution and Inheritance.)  Fossil Evidence     Fossilisation

French: Quel temps fait-il? Remember to practise pronunciation – Espresso Talking Dictionary is a useful tool. Les vêtements.  Les Vetements


Wednesday 1.7.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and complete activity on page 2.  LCWC 20 1.7.20 W

English: Theseus and the Minotaur – Playscript Scenes 7 and 8.

Using your planning from Thursday, write a play script for Theseus and the Minotaur.  To continue writing to a high standard, today we will concentrate on scenes 7 and 8.

Times Tables:  Mad Minutes 3 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths: Number Machines – In this exercise, symbols are introduced instead of numbers and the questions become increasingly more difficult.

Number Machines

Number Machines A

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

History: Ancient and Modern Olympics – This week we are looking at the differences between the original and modern Olympic Games. Using the information given answer the following questions which will give you an overview of both types of Olympics.  The Original Olympics

Ancient And Modern Olympics

Ancient And Modern Olympics A

PSHE: Part of moving to secondary school means that you will meet new people – what would you like them to know about you?

My Proudest Moments

My Favourite Things


Thursday 2.7.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and complete spelling sentences.  LCWC 20 2.7.20 Th

English: Theseus and the Minotaur – Playscript Scene 9.

Using your planning from Thursday, write a play script for Theseus and the Minotaur.  To continue writing to a high standard, today we will concentrate on scene 9. After you have drafted the final scene, take time to re-read your other work to see how well the story flows clearly through the playscript. Do you need to add narration for the chorus to link scenes? Have you included enough information to tell the actors how to say their lines in the stage directions? Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Times Tables:  Mad Minutes 4 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths: Number Machines – In this exercise, you will use inverse operations to solve each question. Examples are included to help. Keep your wits about you with Exercise 4.  Inverse Operations

Inverse Operations A

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

R.E.: If God is everywhere, must we go to a place of worship?

Look at the following images of holy buildings which have been damaged or are in a state of disrepair. Imagine if this happened to the holy buildings in a community.  How would that make you feel?  How would members of the community feel?  What would you like to see happen and why? Think about your own viewpoint and consider the ideas and viewpoints of others.  Damaged Churches

Physical Activity: See Monday


Friday 3.7.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and think about your common exceptions.  LCWC 20 3.7.20 F

English: Comprehension – All about … The Olympic Games 

Olympic Games Reading Comprehension Higher Ability

Times Tables:  Mad Minutes 5 ASMD

Keep up with TTRockstars at home.

Maths:  Find the Rule – solve these Function Machines.  In this exercise you will need to work out inputs, operations and outputs.

Function Machines

Function Machines A

Reading: 30mins silent reading.  You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

Art: Ancient and Modern Olympics – Choose one of the sports which was contested during the ancient Olympics and still played during the modern Olympics. Carefully draw a participant from then and now.

Physical Activity: See Monday

Golden Time



WC – 22.6.20

Thankfully, the weather was better this weekend so we could all have some fresh air and exercise – safely, of course. Well done for improving scores on the new speed subtraction and division facts. Keep up the good work!


Monday 22.6.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and write spellings in your spelling book in alphabetical order.  LCWC 20 22.6.20 M

English: Comprehension – Theseus and the Minotaur.  Theseus And The Minotaur  Theseus And The Minotaur Q 

Theseus And The Minotaur A

Times Tables: Beat That! 6 Keep up with TTRockstars at home.  Mad Minutes 6

Maths: Arithmetic 14a  HPT Arithmetic Paper 14a

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

Music: Follow BBC Bitesize and/or

Physical Activity:  See various health and fitness activities on line e.g.,

Option 1: Mrs K has included a dance video for Year 6 children to practise at home for the Leavers’ Video.

Option 2:

Option 3:

Explore some of the other links in the website list.

Parents can visit Oldham Sports Development at @volsportoldham  ( for updates.

Facebook –

YouTube –

Twitter –

Option 4: ‘Dance Videos with Mrs K’. Go to ‘School Life’ on the school website and you will find the link in there.


Tuesday 23.6.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and complete spelling sentences.  LCWC 20 23.6.20 T

English: Greek Prefixes – One of the many contributions that the ancient Greeks have made to the modern world is language.  We have many Greek influences in our language from the alphabet, prefixes and vocabulary.  Use the clues and prefixes to work out the word with Greek origins.  Greek Prefixes Clues

Times Tables: Beat That! 7 Keep up with TTRockstars at home.  Mad Minutes 7

Maths:  Problem Solving – The following problems are based on ‘real life’ problems. Read each question carefully, underlining the important information. Sometimes, you need to read the question twice to gain a full understanding of what the question is asking you to do.

Problem Solving

Problem Solving A

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

Science: Adaptation – The scientific definition of adaptation is the process of adjustment to new conditions which have occurred over time (evolution). Twinkl has a presentation related to The Theory of Evolution which takes you through the different scientific ideas through history, finishing with Darwin and Wallace. Using the information given, work out if the statements are true or false.  Choose the appropriate level of difficulty.

Theory Of Evolution Pupil Sheet

Activity Sheet Evolutionary Ideas True Or False

French: Quel temps fait-il? Remember to practise pronunciation – Espresso Talking Dictionary is a useful tool. Les Saisons


Wednesday 24.6.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and complete activity on page 2.  LCWC 20 24.6.20 W

English: Ancient Greek Theatre and Theseus and the Minotaur

The theatre was a very popular form of entertainment in ancient Greek times. Many of the terms (technical words) used in modern theatre and entertainment have their origins in ancient Greece. I have included another version of Theseus and the Minotaur as we will be writing a script later in the week.

Greek Theatre

Theseus And The Minotaur 3

Times Tables: Beat That! 8 Keep up with TTRockstars at home.  Mad Minutes 8

Maths: Problem Solving – The following problems are based on ‘real life’ problems. Read each question carefully, underlining the important information. Sometimes, you need to read the question twice to gain a full understanding of what the question is asking you to do.

Real Life Problems 4b

Problems Involving ‘real Life’ Money Or Measures 4b A

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

History: Ancient Greece – Did every city state have a democratic structure of Government? How did the ancient Greeks develop democracy?

Research the city states of Athens and Sparta and prepare a brief overview of the differences between the two city states. Use one page for Athens and one for Sparta over a double page spread.

How does Athens and how their system of democracy compare to our system?


PSHE: Over this last year, children in Year 6 have helped their ‘buddies’ settle in to school in their new Reception class. The children have helped them settle in at playtimes and have had many paired sessions throughout the year. We thought it would be a lovely idea if the Year 6 children could design and make a card for their buddy.


Thursday 25.6.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and complete spelling sentences.  LCWC 20 25.6.20 Th

English: Plan the key points of the story of Theseus and the Minotaur. Think about the different scenes and characters.  Writing A Playscript

Times Tables: Beat That! 9 Keep up with TTRockstars at home.  Mad Minutes 9

Maths: Problem Solving – The following problems are based on ‘real life’ problems. Read each question carefully, underlining the important information. Sometimes, you need to read the question twice to gain a full understanding of what the question is asking you to do.

Real Life Problems 5b

Real Life Problems 5b A

Reading: 30mins silent reading. You might like to try a different activity such as those recommended by local libraries or the reading links provided.

R.E.: Is nature a sacred space?

Do you think “the natural world a better place to worship, or express spirituality, than a “man-made” holy building?” Why? Why not? Why might people have different opinions?

Look at the included images of stunning/inspiring natural beauty, and of places of worship from a range of religions. Which are your favourites and why? Which place(s) do you think would be best for worshipping or expressing spirituality and why? 


Physical Activity:  See Monday


Friday 26.6.20

Spellings: Groups 1-5 Practise spellings and think about your common exceptions.  LCWC 20 26.6.20 F

English: Using your planning from yesterday, write a play script for Theseus and the Minotaur.  To ensure our work is to a high standard, concentrate on scenes 1&2 today.  We will complete the other scenes next week.  After discussion with the other class members, we have come up with the following list of scenes and settings.  It doesn’t matter if you haven’t come up with all of these – you can add in any missing ones to form a sensible retelling of the story as a playscript.  Theseus And The Minotaur Scenes And Settings

Times Tables: Beat That! 10 Keep up with TTRockstars at home.  Mad Minutes 10

Maths: Problem Solving – The following problems are based on ‘real life’ problems. Read each question carefully, underlining the important information. Sometimes, you need to read the question twice to gain a full understanding of what the question is asking you to do.

Problems Involving ‘real Life’, Money Or Measures 6b

Real Life Problems 6b A

Reading: 30mins silent reading

Art: Using the examples of ancient Greek patterns collected last week, design a Greek pot based on one of the myths/legends we have studied. For the main design think about a key point in the story and then add a series of borders around the pot.  Greek Pot

Physical Activity: See Monday

Golden Time


WC 15 6 20 WEB


WC 8 6 20 WEB


Website links


Espresso (Discovery Education) – open to all year groups


Oxford Owl – open to all year groups

no login details needed


Phonics Play – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Elevenses with The World of David Walliams

Purple Mash – open to all year groups then Click on Find my School to find Buckstones.

Years 3 to 6

Individual logins have been sent home to most; the rest are being delivered today / tomorrow.

TT Rockstars – Years 3 to 6

Individual logins have been sent home to most; the rest are being delivered today / tomorrow.

Click on School login, then Student. Wait. Login page should then appear. – Years 5 and 6

Individual logins have been sent home to most; the rest are being delivered today / tomorrow.

real PE 
Parent email:
Password: buckstones

Parents can visit Oldham Sports Development at @volsportoldham  ( for updates.