Year 5

Year 5 — Buckstones Primary School

Here is the Year 5 important timetable.

Year 5’s Important Timetable


Spring 2 Half-term Topics

Geography: Biomes/Vegetation Belts

Science: Forces

Computing: Coding

PSHE: Assessing Risk

PE: Dance and Handball



PE Days

Monday – Dance (Indoor PE Kit)


Wednesday – Handball (Outdoor PE Kit)



Maths and English/Topic: handed out on Friday and are to be handed in on Wednesday.

Spellings: handed out on Monday and tested on Friday.

Reading: read regularly at home and regularly change ORT book.

Mental Maths: regular times tables practice on TTRockstars and Hit the Button.

Login details are stuck in reading journals.

Useful Website links:



Oxford Owl Reading Scheme

Smith's Wood Primary Academy - E-Books from Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is a lovely website which has a library full of e-books which relate to the Oxford Reading Tree scheme. These can supplement home reading should you wish to use them.

Please do not feel you need to rush your way through- 2 or 3 books alongside weekly school books and/or any books from home should be plenty. 

Login details can be found in your child’s reading journal.

1. Click on class login box at the top of the page. 

2. Fill in the login details. 

3. Click e-books (my bookshelf).

4. Click levels.

5. Choose a book that you would like to read.

6. Enjoy 🙂 

NB: Some of the books might have lovely little activities to try out too 🙂 

Please note any e-books read at home in your child’s reading journal and sign it. These will add towards stickers on your child’s bookmark. 

Epic Reading Scheme

Buckstones have signed up to an American online reading scheme, which is currently available during this difficult time.
The log in details will be sent out by Parentmail, however please be aware of the time you log in, please see below.
Signing in with a parent’s email is easy and just requires you to verify the free account by clicking on an email and creating your own password.
Once you have selected your own name you can select a book of your choice. There is a wide variety including fiction, non-fiction, comics, a ‘read to me’ section where the words are highlighted as the narrator reads the story, videos and audiobooks.
You can amend the reading level by pressing on the button that looks like a barchart and AR next to it.
Your teacher will be able to see your reading progression and we look forward to seeing you enjoy this scheme!


For more information on Year 5, please refer to the ‘Information for Parents’ and ‘Key Information’ sections of the school website.