We have successfully identified the main issues that may be a barrier to pupils’ learning. We provide a rich broad, balanced curriculum for all classes, including Year 6 and including children with special educational needs and disabilities. The curriculum we have developed provides a wealth of opportunities and appreciation of difference – culturally, socially. This is addressed at a local, national and global level through our curriculum. PSHE curriculum, worship, charities, Geography curriculum, range of visits and visitors including visits to places of worship. The curriculum identifies the knowledge the children need to take with them at the end of the year. The new knowledge builds upon previous knowledge and understanding, which in turn leads to more confident life-long learners who will take this knowledge into the future. We are ambitious for all our children, irrespective of background or academic ability. We know what our children should achieve at the end of each year and we have planned their learning to meet these targets. The curriculum encourages and supports the pupils to develop their resilience through problem solving, open-ended tasks, celebrating being stuck, teacher questioning, longer tasks which promote stamina. We are conscious of the need to provide as many ‘first-hand’ experiences as possible and maximise opportunities for pupils to participate in educational visits. Visits, visitors linked to cultural capital e.g. visit to the theatre, art galleries, local visits, music experience and locality. We have created a vocabulary programme which is built in three sections: improving everyday talk; expanding day-to-day vocabulary and improving subject-specific vocabulary. This also includes improving their spoken English. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and children are given opportunities to read in school both to each other and adults in school so that the children develop a love of reading which they can take with them into the future.