Welcome to Year 4!
Year 4 topics overview
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Science |
Living things and their habitats | Animals including humans |
States of matter |
Sound |
Electricity |
Geography and History | Geography: Greater Manchester | History: The history of Manchester and the Industrial Revolution | Geography: European Cities (Marseilles) | History: The Roman Empire |
History: Britain’s settlement by the Anglo Saxons |
This half term we are exploring Manchester in Geography and Living things and their habitats in Science. The children will be learning all about Manchester; why it is an important city in England, how cities compare to their surrounding towns and what tourism opportunities there are there. They will also be studying living things and their habitats in Science by exploring the way living things are classified by scientists, how different animals are suited to their habitats and the effect human activity on natural habitats.
Our P.E days:
Monday – Indoor
Thursday – Outdoor
Homework Hand-in:
Homework is handed out on a Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Wednesday.
Year 4 pupils are expected to complete their weekly homework in addition to daily home reading.
Spelling Test:
New Homework
New Spellings and Reading Stickers:
Daily ‘Kit List’ – What you need to bring:
Monday – indoor PE kit, water bottle, reading book and record to change.
Tuesday – water bottle, reading book and record.
Wednesday – homework, water bottle, reading book and record.
Thursday – outdoor PE kit, water bottle, reading book and record.
Friday – spelling practice book, water bottle, reading book and record.