Welcome to Buckstones Primary School



At Buckstones School, we aim to promote the development of our children academically, physically, socially, morally and spiritually, by providing a high quality of teaching and varied learning experiences with-in a well-ordered and stimulating environment which supports equality of opportunity.

We teach the National Curriculum, planning for and presenting the children with challenges that support differentiation.

We aim to nurture individual skills and talents within an environment which values self-worth, confidence, independence, self-motivation and co-operation and in which our children have respect for each other’s differences.

We aim to give our children a love of life and learning.

School Aims
We aim:

  1. To be an inclusive school and to put into practice in all aspects of our work that ensures that all children are given equality of opportunity and treated fairly.
  2. To promote and achieve high standards for all by providing teaching and learning of the highest quality.
  3. To treat children as individuals and to differentiate teaching and learning to take account of their individual needs.
  4. To provide well for children’s physical, mental, personal, social, moral and cultural needs.
  5. To provide well for children’s care, health and safety.
  6. To ensure that all children benefit from a rich, broad, balanced curriculum presented in an interesting, exciting and imaginative manner with lots of opportunities for first-hand experience, practical work, investigation and learning through play.
  7. To teach basic skills and core subjects well and to give great emphasis to the foundation subject and R.E. as well.
  8. To make connections between subjects and to apply basic skills across the curriculum.
  9. To give responsibility to the children and to develop their self-confidence by contributing to the community.
  10. To make parents and the wider community equal partners with the school and to involve them in the evaluation of its success.
  11. To build an ethos marked by a welcoming, friendly, bright and lively happy place where learners feel secure. A school where good behaviour is expected and where children enjoy growing up.
  12. To make their school a place of enjoyment where success is encouraged, rewarded and celebrated.